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Lava fountains rose hundreds of meters high and collapses of the crater walls were common. Lava, including bombs, were ejected as far as 800 m from the vent. Flow 2, located between the main flow (Flow 1), had reached the sea on 21 September. There were a total of 11 flows numbered during this reporting period. The lava flow field continued to expand through the eruption (table 2). Lava flows emerged from two new vents and moved W toward the coastline, affecting 3,063 buildings, of which 2,896 were destroyed. During October, more than 3,000 earthquakes were detected in the southern part of the island and ash plumes rose as high as 5.5 km altitude, according to the Toulouse VAAC.

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Strong eruptive activity that began on 19 September continued throughout most of this reporting period. Summary of activity during October-December 2021. Information in this report describing lava fountains, flows, and ash plumes through the end of the eruption comes from Spain’s Instituto Geographico Nacional (IGN), the Instituto Volcanologico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), the Steering Committee of the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Attention to Emergencies due to Volcanic Risk (PEVOLCA), maps from Copernicus EMS, satellite data, and news and social media reports covering October through December 2021. Two fissures opened and multiple vents produced lava fountains, flows, and ash plumes the flows traveled over 5 km to the W toward the coastline, eventually extending further into the ocean, damaging buildings and crops (BGVN 46:10). A new eruption from the SW flank began on 19 September 2021, roughly 20 km NW of the site of the 1971 eruption. Multiple eruptions during the last 7,000 years have produced mild explosive activity and lava flows which have damaged populated areas and reached the sea in 1585, 1646, 1712, 1949, and 1971. It is composed of two large volcanic centers, with the younger Cumbre Vieja to the south dating back 125,000 years. La Palma is a 47-km-long island at the northwestern end of the Canary Islands.

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Phreatomagmatic and Strombolian activity, lava effusion, and ash plumes through mid-December 2021 Most Recent Bulletin Report: February 2022 (BGVN 47:02) Cite this Report Sources: Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), Gobierno de Canaries, Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) Authorities warned the public to exercise caution in areas surrounding the flow field due to volcanic gases in the area and noted that lava flows, although cooling, remained at high temperatures. Even though air quality levels had improved overall, a few measurements of diffuse carbon dioxide emissions showed levels around 9 times average background. Sulfur dioxide levels varied between extremely low and medium values (less than 5 to 999 tons per day) consistent with a cooling and degassing lava flow field.

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Small collapses from the walls of the main and secondary cone craters were visible through the week. Sporadic gas emissions rose from the vents and from cooling lava flows.

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During 15-20 December tremor levels were at background levels and seismicity was very low at all depths. Observations at La Palma on 15 December showed no lava flowing from vents at the W base of the main cone, from tubes, or at the lava delta in the Las Hoyas area. Most Recent Weekly Report: 15 December-21 December 2021 Cite this Report

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